Frustration with imperfections is a normal part of life. Unfortunately, it is a large part of life, but take a moment and look around you. Nature is perfect in many ways. The water cycle is perfectly synchronized and plants, both large and small, exist in symbiotic relationships. Herbs are nature’s medicines and are another example of perfection.  The active ingredients in the leaves, stems, flowers and seeds of countless plants work harmoniously with the human body to promote health and healing.

Antibiotics, pain medications, heart medications and even some chemotherapies are examples of conventional medicines which originate in nature. Man studies the active compounds in herbs, finds them effective, and then after synthesizing and refining these compounds, sells them as medicine. Conventional drugs have their value, but it is worth noting that there are basic differences between herbal remedies and modern medicines. One great difference is that herbal compounds are distributed throughout the body and work to resolve problems on a cellular level, while conventional drugs alter symptoms and often override naturally occurring rhythms.

6 Reasons Why Herbs are Gaining RecognitionOur understanding of active compounds and diseases is incomplete and this causes herbal remedies and pharmaceuticals on the market today to be imperfect. Both have positive and negative aspects. Instead of clinging to one form of medicine and discarding the other, it is wise to consider the benefits that both have to offer and find a balance that works for you. More and more people are doing this, and herbal medicines are gaining ground over conventional drugs. Here are six reasons why herbal treatments are preferred:

1. Herbs are everywhere

The word “herb” can be defined as “a plant whose leaves, seeds, or flowers are used as medicine”. Herbs are everywhere. They grow wild on mountains, in valleys, and across prairies. Herbs are as far away as the rainforests of Brazil, India and Australia and as close as your own backyard. They can even be found in your refrigerator masquerading as fruits and veggies. Centuries ago people were aware of the value of herbs and took advantage of them, but with every passing generation this mindset faded away. Our society today overlooks herbs and even destroys them. Thankfully this is changing!

2. Herbs are backed by history

6 Reasons Why Herbs are Gaining RecognitionMany think that medicinal herbs are a novelty, but they have actually been around for centuries. Three thousand years ago in India a system of medicine called Ayurveda was established. Ayurveda means “the science of life”, and true to its name this form of medicine uses a myriad of herbs to improve, sustain and heal life. Interestingly, Ayurvedic medicine continues to be used today in some parts of the world.

Herbs are not a new way to treat disease and discomfort, but rather an old, proven way that is being rediscovered. Compared to herbs conventional medicines are new. Many of them had their beginnings in the 18-1900s. As years go by, we continue to learn about their strengths, weaknesses and side effects.

3. Herbs work with, not against our bodies

Every organ, tissue and cell in our body is intricately connected, and there are complex chemicals which synchronize activities at every level. The active components in herbs infiltrate this complex system and contribute to correcting imbalances and underlying problems. Modern drugs often help one area of our bodies, while harming another. The long lists of potential side effects which accompany most medicines prove this.  Our body is many parts that must work harmoniously. Herbs contribute to this unity, while conventional drugs often target one or two individual parts

4. Herbs are affordable

6 Reasons Why Herbs are Gaining RecognitionMedicines all over the world consistently increase in price. Every year in the United States over three hundred billion dollars are spent on prescription medication. Highly educated personnel, scientific research and state of the art machinery are necessary for the production of medicines, and all of this must be paid for by the client. On the other hand, herbal medicines require much less processing and handling, and their price reflects this.

5. Pharmaceutical companies tip their hats to herbs

Most pharmaceutical companies do not publicly endorse herbs, because this would be harm their own business. Indirectly, though, they do acknowledge the benefits of herbs by manufacturing drugs from herbs. Digitalis, codeine, quinine and L-dopa are all examples of active ingredients taken from herbs and incorporated into conventional medicines.

6. Herbs give hope

When sickness strikes, we look to modern medicine for answers and help and often we find what we need. Occasionally, though, the best specialists and newest drugs can not provide answers or relief. In these cases, herbs may be able to help in two ways. First, herbs often provide unexpected results in ways that we can not comprehend. Secondly, they give hope. Hope and positive thinking can sometimes prolong life, and even in cases where they can not extend life, they do promote self-esteem, happiness, and in general a good quality of life.

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